This guest post by Kent Probst from Long Healthy Life Blog discusses the best therapeutic yoga poses to enhance your health and well-being. He offers valuable tips and insights for anyone looking to alleviate pain, boost mobility and flexibility, lower the risk of age-related diseases, and improve overall health.
You probably know that yoga offers numerous benefits that can contribute to a longer, healthier life. Research shows that yoga can be just as effective as traditional exercise in enhancing both physical and mental health.
But are certain types of yoga more effective than others? When it comes to addressing specific health issues, the answer may be yes.
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According to Dr. Timothy McCall, a board-certified internal medicine specialist and medical editor for Yoga Journal, therapeutic yoga is designed to specifically address various health conditions and concerns.
Yoga naturally enhances strength, flexibility, balance, immune function, and overall mental well-being while reducing stress. It can be beneficial for individuals facing a range of health issues, many of which can be aggravated by poor immune function and high stress—issues that therapeutic yoga can help alleviate.
Typically, casual yoga practitioners view yoga as a way to improve overall well-being without focusing on specific health concerns. However, when someone seeks yoga to help with a particular issue, general yoga transforms into therapeutic yoga.
There isn’t a significant difference in the types of poses used in therapeutic yoga; rather, practitioners can draw from various yoga styles and poses to create a routine that meets their specific needs.
Curious about how therapeutic yoga can help with your health concerns and promote a longer, healthier life? Here are seven yoga poses that can be included in a therapeutic yoga routine, regardless of your individual health goals.
The right yoga poses can enhance strength and balance, which is why yoga is beneficial for those with rheumatoid arthritis. This modified side plank is suitable for nearly all beginner practitioners and can be added to any therapeutic yoga routine to boost strength and balance.
Experienced yogis might underestimate the simplicity of basic deep breathing poses like Tadasana, but this pose can significantly help those looking to improve lung capacity and practice deep breathing techniques essential for many therapeutic routines, including those aimed at COPD.
Yoga’s benefits extend well beyond physical health. Individuals seeking therapeutic yoga for mental health issues like depression may find particular success with hatha yoga. One of the simplest hatha poses is the tree pose, which has been shown to enhance relaxation and self-awareness in both general practitioners and those recovering from traumatic injuries.
Another fundamental hatha pose to try is the bridge pose. Therapeutic yoga not only addresses negative health issues like chronic illness and stress but can also provide a positive boost, such as increasing confidence in mothers preparing for childbirth or breastfeeding.
Consider poses like Warrior Pose I to build your confidence. While many studies on therapeutic yoga don’t focus on the specific benefits of individual poses, some do, such as a study showing how the bee breath technique can help alleviate respiratory issues caused by air pollution. Practicing “bee breath” can also reduce stress and anxiety, even without respiratory concerns.
Other research indicates that certain therapeutic yoga poses can serve as a safe method for pain relief, even for minor discomforts. One such pose is the cobra pose, which has been used in studies to treat abdominal pain.
No matter your health concerns or how you aim to live your longest, healthiest life, incorporating therapeutic yoga into your wellness routine can help you achieve your health goals while reducing stress and anxiety and increasing strength and balance.
If you’re new to yoga and ready to establish a regular practice to enhance your health, build strength, and improve flexibility, our Yoga Fat Loss Bible has everything you need to get started. It’s an excellent resource for those looking to lose weight, gain flexibility, and relieve aches and pains through a calming yoga practice. It includes detailed instructions and beginner modifications, along with a 6-Week Workout Plan suitable for any beginner!
Always remember that the hardest part of any exercise or yoga program is simply showing up. Make sure to commit today and give your best effort to your therapeutic routine. You deserve it, and your body will thank you!
Kent Probst is a blogger at Long Healthy Life Blog. He is a personal trainer, kinesiotherapist, and bodybuilder, holding a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology and a master’s degree in exercise science.