If you’re new to yoga, you’ve probably noticed how much core strength it requires. I certainly didn’t realize this until I began my practice, but I learned quickly! While you’ll also need strength in your arms and legs, your core is the powerhouse that helps you maintain balance and transition smoothly between poses.
All these yoga poses engage various muscles, but the focus should be on your core. Always keep your core engaged by tightening your abs. Use your core as your main source of strength for these poses, rather than relying too much on your arms, shoulders, back, or legs. Yoga can be an excellent workout, but it does require effort. I recommend practicing these exercises on their own or holding each pose for an extra 30-60 seconds before moving on to the next one.
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Start this pose by getting into a plank position. Press your feet together and roll onto your right side, balancing your weight on the outside of your right foot. Keep your legs straight and use your core to maintain balance. Slowly raise your left hand toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the left side.
Lie flat on your back with your arms slightly bent and your hands a few inches above your hips. Use your hands and feet to lift off the floor until your back is parallel to the ground and your arms are perpendicular. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat two more times.
This pose typically transitions from mountain pose and warrior III. Begin in a low lunge, placing your right arm on the inside of your right leg. Ensure your arm is fully extended and your left leg remains straight on the floor. If you can’t comfortably reach the floor, use a yoga block for support.
Lie face down on the yoga mat with your arms slightly bent just above your hips. Slowly lift as high as you can using your core, not your arms. Keep your arms relaxed beside you and minimize their use during this pose. Hold for as long as you can and repeat twice.
Your arms should be shoulder-width apart and directly beneath your shoulders. Focus on tightening your core muscles while in this position, ensuring your butt stays aligned with your body and doesn’t drop or rise above your body line. Hold for 30 seconds, aiming to extend this to two minutes.
Sit firmly on the mat with your legs extended in front of you and your hands slightly behind your hips. Gradually raise your legs to a 45-degree angle, using your arms for balance. Once you feel steady, slowly lift your arms to the outside of your knees. If you’re not flexible enough to fully straighten your legs, bend your knees slightly. Hold for 30 seconds, working towards a full minute.
Start in downward-facing dog and raise your left leg as high as you can. Press down on the floor and lift through your pelvis. Engage your core to maintain balance, keeping the foot on the ground flat rather than on your toes. Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side.
This is an advanced pose, so don’t worry if you can’t hold it. The goal is to practice. While this pose requires arm strength, many beginners don’t realize it also demands significant core strength. Begin in garland pose, a seated squat position with your arms inside your legs. Place your arms firmly on the mat in front of you, with your knees outside your elbows (for beginners) or near your armpits (for advanced). Slowly lean forward and balance your weight on your arms.
For this workout, hold each pose for 30 seconds before moving on to the next. Complete all five yoga poses, then repeat the workout two more times, ensuring you switch sides. Feel free to stay in any stretch longer than 30 seconds if it feels good or if you think you need it.
If you enjoyed these poses for strengthening your abs and core and want to stop feeling self-conscious about your body, check out our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners! It includes everything you need to get started, such as a complete 6-week workout plan, a flexibility guide, and a beginner’s meditation guide. It’s a fantastic resource for those looking to lose weight, increase flexibility, and relieve aches and pains through a calming yoga practice. It will guide you on how to effectively reduce stubborn body fat with a regular yoga routine and features the top 50 fat-burning yoga poses every beginner should learn. You can find it by clicking here.
And always remember, the hardest part of yoga is simply getting yourself on the mat! Feel free to leave a comment below if you enjoyed this article or have any questions!