Yoga can be an amazing workout, and this 30-minute fat-burning yoga routine for beginners can truly change your body if you commit to it!
The key is to concentrate on your body while holding and performing the poses. Pay attention to how they feel and how you can improve. Notice what feels tight and what can be opened up more. This is how you will start to unlock your body’s true potential!
Some poses are “two-sided,” meaning you should do them on both sides of your body (right then left, or vice versa) before moving on to the next pose. Aim to hold each pose for 30 seconds before switching sides or moving to the next pose. If you can’t hold it for a full 30 seconds, take a moment to rest and try again!
After completing all the poses once, rest for a minute or two, then repeat them! Aim for a total of three full rounds, which should take about 30 minutes.
Always remember to breathe deeply during the stretches! Long, deep breaths will significantly enhance your focus.
We’ll start with a few easier poses, gradually increasing the difficulty. Keep in mind that the more challenging poses will burn the most calories and help you transform your body the fastest!
P.S. If you’re looking for a complete program for beginners with organized workout routines, check out our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners.
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This pose will challenge your balance, which relies on your core. During this pose, focus on drawing balance from your core. Tighten your abdominal muscles to stabilize your body.
For beginners, try this pose with your hands pressed together at your heart. Once you find your balance, slowly raise your hands over your head for an added challenge.
Start by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Gradually lift your left foot to rest as high as possible on your right thigh. Keep your hips aligned under your shoulders and your feet.
Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides before moving on to Half Forward Bend.
This pose is excellent for your hamstrings, back, and hips! To actively engage in this pose, keep a few things in mind.
Focus on bending from your lower back. Draw your navel towards your spine and “suck in” as you bend forward. Also, elongate your torso by arching your back and pushing your butt out. This will help you maintain a “straight back” position, as shown in the photo. Your back may still bend due to flexibility, but it’s something to work on.
If you’re doing this correctly, you’ll feel a strong stretch in your hamstrings.
Hold for 30 seconds before moving on to Upward Facing Dog.
Traditionally, this pose provides a great stretch for the back. While it will still do that in this workout, we want to focus less on the intense stretch since we’ll hold it for a full 30 seconds.
Lie on your chest with your arms bent and hands flat on the ground. Slowly push up until your hands are directly beneath your shoulders. As you do this, lift your knees and hips off the ground.
Only the palms of your hands and the tops of your feet should touch the ground. You can lean back into your shoulders a bit to increase the stretch in your back, but don’t force it too much or you’ll tire yourself out before the 30 seconds are up. Instead, focus on drawing strength from your core to hold the pose.
Hold for 30 seconds, then move on to Boat Pose.
You’ll soon discover that this pose is fantastic for your abs! If it feels too challenging, you can bend your knees. We encourage you to work towards straightening your legs as you practice.
Keep your back as straight as possible, drawing strength from your core to hold this pose. Try to keep your arms straight with your hands on either side of your knees.
Focus your gaze on your feet or the wall behind you to help maintain balance.
Hold for 30 seconds.
This yoga pose is excellent for opening up the hips, and maintaining proper form also engages your quadriceps and abdominal muscles.
Start in plank pose on your toes with your palms on the floor beneath your shoulders. Slowly step your left foot forward as you lift your right hand, placing your foot where your right hand was.
Reach your right hand up over your head to create a straight line with your torso and left leg. If you can’t comfortably reach the ground with your left hand, use a yoga block or another prop.
Lift your gaze upward to enhance the stretch. Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
This is also a great hip opener and can provide an intense workout for your quadriceps and glutes!
Your feet should be 3.5 to 4 feet apart. Gradually sink into the stretch, aiming to lower yourself until your knees form a 90-degree angle.
Focus on pushing your hips forward to deepen the stretch.
From this position, slowly pulse up and down for 30 seconds. You should feel it in your hips and quadriceps.
Triangle pose is great for the hamstrings and hips. It may look easy, but achieving the proper form requires strength and flexibility.
Step your left foot out about 4 feet from the right. The right foot should point forward, while the left toes point straight out.
Slowly reach your left hand down to the ground near your left heel. If you can’t comfortably reach the floor, use a yoga block.
Your right hand should point towards the ceiling, and let your gaze lift up towards the ceiling as well to increase the stretch. Try to keep your right hip stacked over your left as much as possible (this will require flexibility in your hamstrings and hips).
Hold for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side before moving on to Warrior III.
This pose can be quite challenging for beginners, but give it your best shot! You may not be able to hold it for a full 30 seconds at first, but you will gradually improve your form and hold it longer over time!
Raise your arms over your head first for balance, then slowly lift your leg up in the air. Initially, you may only be able to raise your leg halfway. That’s okay; just keep practicing.
This pose requires a lot of concentration to maintain balance. Focus your gaze on a spot on the floor and hold it while you try to straighten your body.
Hold this pose for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side before moving on to Half Moon Pose.
This is another challenging pose, but it will greatly benefit your body if you keep practicing!
Make sure to use a yoga block or another prop if you have trouble reaching the floor.
From Warrior III, keep your leg up and slowly reach your left hand down towards the floor.
You may want to reach both hands down to the floor first to gain your balance. Once you feel stable, slowly reach your right arm up towards the ceiling while twisting your torso and right foot out.
This pose also requires a lot of concentration to balance, so focus on a spot on the floor or wall while you practice. Try to hold it for 30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
Remember to rest when needed and after each round of poses. Complete all of them three times for a full workout!
If you enjoyed these fat-burning poses and want more, check out our Yoga Fat Loss Bible for Beginners!
It’s a great resource for those looking to lose weight, increase flexibility, and relieve aches and pains through a calming yoga practice.
It includes everything you need to get started, such as a complete 12-week workout plan, a flexibility guide, and a beginner’s guide to meditation!
It will show you how to effectively melt away stubborn body fat with a regular yoga practice and features the top 50 fat-burning yoga poses every beginner should learn.
Click here to explore the Yoga Fat Loss Bible.
And always remember, the hardest part about yoga is getting yourself on the mat!
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